With under 2 weeks until MLB 12: The Show hits stores, there is still no word from SCEA or Sony on a release date for the demo. At this point many fans are speculating that there will not be a pre-release demo at all. If in fact there is no demo, it sends a very negative signal to baseball video game fans. There is still a very real possibility that the demo will be released next week.
The Show’s main competitor, MLB 2K12, has been even quieter about the possibility of a demo for their game. Other than the Kate Upton video, the $1 million dollar perfect game competition, and a 5 point feature list, we don’t know anything about MLB 2K12. When put against 2K12, MLB 12 The Show can’t do any wrong but not releasing a demo would really hurt the ability to expand their fan base.
the 2k12 demo is coming out the 28th
I doubt we’ll have a DEMO. Probably because not one for VITA
Played the 2K demo. Although disappointed there is no Show demo, no worries. 2K does fine selling The Show on it’s own. And they proved it again this year. Bad, bad, bad,…again.