Now that the Stanley Cup has come to an end, the one question that we keep getting asked via Twitter and Facebook is, “When is the NHL 13 demo coming out?” In order to answer that we decided to do some research and look into the previous 3 NHL demo release dates.
NHL 12 demo release date – August 23, 2011
NHL 11 demo release date – August 17th, 2010
NHL 10 demo release date – August 20th, 2009
So with those dates in mind, we are looking at a demo release date for NHL 13 of around August 20th. Of course this is not set in stone and it could change but history generally serves as an accurate guide. As always, when we get the official word we will be the first to pass it along to you.
Hopefully it will be a great game
Have a feeling NHL13 is going to be rough but will introduce some great things for the series. I’ll probably hold off until 14 or 15, when they’ve figured out how to make the systems changes work.